The Excellent Olympic Adventure: Day 4

February 15, 2010

Boo-urns VANOC, Boo-urns.

After we got home from the Men's Moguls, I found an email from VANOC saying that our Men's SBX tickets for today would be cancelled. We get our money back, but not going there sucks pretty bad.

From what I've been able to gather, the standing room area is 'unsafe', whatever tha vague assessment means. I was asked to be on CBC to talk about it, but in the end, decided that I'm just going to try and forget this has happened. Dwelling on it, or getting upset about it isn't going to change anything.

So that gives us a day a way, thats okay, I'm still exhaused from yesterday and the Men's Moguls.

Two best events for Canada today are the Men's SBX and Men's 500m. Wortherspoon is a medal contenter in the 500, and we have a number of potential medalists in SBX. Medals would be a nice surprise, but Canada coming away empty handed is possible as well! Will have to see how it goes!


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This blog is the online chronicle of our adventures leading up to, and including, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. We hope to give you a little insight into what went into planning our trip and a first hand look at the Games from the ground in Vancouver.

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