Canadian Figure Skating Championships - Day 3

January 16, 2010

Pairs Long Program

It's the moment of truth... and I'm nervous! My mom always used to tell me she would get ridiculously nervous when I was in competiton, I never really understood. I'm understanding a little more now :)

Meagan Duhamel and Craig Buntin
They had messy side by side jumps, a beautiful double twist, their side by side double axles - he fell on. Great throw triple loop, they had good lifts. In similar fashion to yesterday's short program, they are just a little unpolished and sloppy. They have to fight to land everything so it looks very uneasy.
TOTAL -172.18

Duhamel and Buntin

Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison
Triple twist was fantastic, side by side double axle combination was perfect, they had beautiful lifts, side by side triple sows were great, touch down on the throw triple lutz - but it wasn't terrible, throw triple loop was perfect as well.
They will need to skate better than this in Vancouver, but they are capable of it. Good skate for them!
TOTAL - 198.27 - A Canadian Record!

Dube and Davison

Annabelle Langlois and Cody Hay
Lots of pressure for them now skating after Jessica and Bryce's performance.
Double twist, great, but the easier choice, side by side triple loops - I think she landed on two feet, beautiful lifts, throw triple sow was perfect - she made it look easy, she stepped out of the triple combination (I think the nerves are getting to her a little! I hope she can pull it together!) two foot landing on the throw triple lutz.
I don't know if they are going to be in 2nd or 3rd at this point, they only have a 3 point edge on Meagan and Craig. Now we wait and see!
TOTAL - 183.42

Langlois and Hay

Bryce Davison and Jessica Dube, Annabelle Langlois and Cody Hay are heading to the Olympics!

Women's Long Program

Next up, the Women's Long Program!

Amelie Lacoste

She was third after the short program, and the Bronze medalist last year. Let's see what she's got!
Triple loop- double loop - double loop, she made it look so easy! Tiple flip - she singled, tripl elutz - she put her hand down on the landing, Tiple toe - she again, put her hand down in the landing. Triple sow- double loop, she made look easy again! a Triple loop - she doubled. When she does her triples, they usually look so easy to her... I just see her second guessing herself. She even messed up the landing of her double axel and ended her program in tears. She ended up being 5th overall.
TOTAL - 147.43

Joannie Rochette
And the nerves are back (for me! HA!) Fingers are crossed!!
Triple lutz-double toe-double loop was amazing! Triple flip was perfect, triple loop was perfect as well! Triple lutz - perfect, Triple toe - triple loop - perfect, double axle - double axle - easy. (I've written the word "perfect" a lot!!!) Triple loop - perfect! EVERYTHING, was perfect! Amazing for Joannie! Good for her!! If she can skate like this in Vancouver, she'll be a medal contender for sure!!
TOTAL - 208.23 (New Canadian Record) 6 time Canadian Champion!


Cynthia Phaneuf
She's going to have to have the skate of her life to win, but she can definately get an Olympic spot!!
Triple toe - double axle - perfect and easy looking, triple lutz - she doubled, triple loop -double toe - perfect, triple loop - made it look so easy, triple sow into a single sow (eeks!) double axle - no problem, triple toe combination - fantastic! Then there was a weird mis-step at the end... that was so weird!! What was that!? Anyways, hopefully that doesn't change anything!
TOTAL - 182.55


Joannie Rochette and Cynthia Pheneuf are heading to the Olympics!

Ice Dance Free Dance

Final event of the day, let's see how they do!

Vanessa Crone and Paul Poirier
3rd after their Original and their Compulsory Dances. Too bad she lost an edge during a twizzle and fell in their program. It's strange that they're skating to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Doesn't really seem like a "dance program". They had some very innovative lifts... there's one lift where she has her blade on his thigh and he lifts her up. It was very interesting.
TOTAL - 184.70

Crone and Poirier

Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje
2nd after their Original and their Compulsory Dances. Andrew stumbled over his toe-pick, but recovered quickly. Other than that, a great performance!
TOTAL - 184.40 Behind Crone and Poirier by 0.03! Too bad!

Weaver and Poje

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir
1st after their Original and their Compulsory Dances.You can tell that they are much stronger and much more confident than Weaver/ Poje and Crone/ Poirier. They also have a maturity about the, that the other two teams can't compete with. The "goose" lift they created was incredible, she stands on one foot on his thigh and stands straight up behind him, they did change the dismount to stay within the rules. It's a great lift. They had a flawless skate.
TOTAL - 221.95 (Canadian Record)

Virtue and Moir

Virtue and Moir beat Crone and Poirier by a HUGE margin of 37.25!!!! Amazing!

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Vanessa Crone and Paul Poirier are heading to the Olympics!


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This blog is the online chronicle of our adventures leading up to, and including, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. We hope to give you a little insight into what went into planning our trip and a first hand look at the Games from the ground in Vancouver.

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