Christmas Report - New Camera and Other Items
December 29, 2009
So Christmas has come and gone for another year. Lots of running around again this year. Hitting up not only our own family things, but each others as well, makes for a lot of events for both Beth and I. Throw in the fact that I'm working through the holidays, and I'm exhasted!
Anyways, enough bitching, onto the important stuff...presents! Of course, with our Olympic Trip coming up, both Beth and I were easy buys this year. We each got scarves, shirts, programs etc to help suppliment our trip. I thing with all the Olympic/Canada gear I now have, I won't need to wear anything but come February.
So, as good as all that other stuff is, the 'big ticket' item was a brand-spanking-new camera: a Panasonic Lumix.
I haven't had a chance to really test the camera out 'under pressure', like at a sporting event, but I gotta say that I'm super impressed so far. Its got a 12x zoom (key for when sitting in the nosebleeds), and the auto-focus and image-stabilization seems to be top notch. You pretty much have to purposly try to take a blurry picture.
I'm super happy with it so far anyways...and can't wait to use it in Vancouver. I plan on taking about a billion pictures when out there, so that I have the proper equipment, all that is left is the waiting for the opportunity.
Anyways, check out a couple of test shots that I've done over the past few days. #1 is a panorama from my condo, and #2 of some Olympic billboars on John St. in downtown Toronto...ironically across from the CBC building.
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