Day 1: Flights and Pre-Ceremonies

February 12, 2010

Got in on AC025 a little ahead of schedule, and got downtown pretty quickly. The airport and Canada line weren't as busy as I thought they would we were able to get downtown by about 12:30 PM. After grabbing a quick picture with the countdown clock, we got checked into the hotel.

Sooooooooo...happy with the YWCA. The view we have is amazing. Check it out in the photostream below.

After checking in, we went over and caught the torch relay by the Public Libray. That was the 3rd time I was able to catch it across Canada...pretty cool!

Pam and I then just wandered around and scouted the town out. We're now at the hotel, waiting for Ben and Andrea to show up. The should be here within the hour!

Edit - Added Pam's Pictures!:


Anonymous,  February 12, 2010 at 4:16 PM  

amazing shots! I'm getting SOOOOO excited!!

Dad and Mom February 13, 2010 at 10:27 AM  

WOW those are great photos...almost wish we were there!!!then we wouldn't have had to stay up until 12:30 to watch Gretzky ride in the back of the pick-up!!! Must have been unionized workers running the hydraulics...and no one was paying overtime! Sounded like the national anthem at Copps on a bad night and the opera singer doing the olympic anthem should have had a hair cut...and what's with the opera singer?? Anyway, have a great time and this is a wonderful blog.

Dad and Mom February 13, 2010 at 1:17 PM  

Oooops, sorry, Scottie...I am not so good at this, but I hope to get better...that should have been Pam,s Dad and Mom! thanks for this blog.

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About This Blog

This blog is the online chronicle of our adventures leading up to, and including, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. We hope to give you a little insight into what went into planning our trip and a first hand look at the Games from the ground in Vancouver.

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